Being successful means using all academic resources to achieve your goals.

Tutoring and Academic Support
Looking for help with a class or maybe you just want to do better in a class? There are many reasons to seek academic support. Learn more about the appointments, drop-in and group services at SF State's Tutoring and Academic Support Center (TASC).

Science Supplemental Instruction
The Center for Science and Math Education offers one-unit courses supplementing major gatekeeper courses are available to help you succeed. Courses are generally limited to 20 students and instruction is mainly through hands-on and interactive small-group work. If you are enrolled in a BIOL, CHEM, CSC, ENGR, MATH or PHYS, you might check and see if one of these courses might help you.

Scholastic Distinction (Honors)
Students strive to do well in their classes. Learn what GPA you need for the semester dean's list. Keep it up and work towards graduation with honors, detailed here.

GPA Calculator
Striving for a certain GPA? Use this calculator to project how high your GPA can reach.