The best way to get help choosing courses and registering for your first semester is to attend new student orientation. At orientation, we provide group advising that is tailored to your major and college. If orientation is over and you need advising prior to the start of your first semester, you can reach out to the college resource center that supports your major or to your major department (for questions that are specific to your major).
You can check your Degree Progress Report (DPR) to see how your transfer courses apply to SF State’s requirements. If you submitted your in-progress transcripts on time, you should see your coursework in the DPR by the time you attend orientation. The final transcript deadline is July 15 (for fall admissions) and January 15 (for spring admissions). You may not see your final semester’s coursework recorded in the DPR until after these dates, but it is usually evaluated and posted to the DPR prior to the start of your first semester.
If you believe that you have taken a course the meets a major requirement and the course is not showing up as equivalent on your Degree Progress Report, it may be necessary to talk with your major department. If believe that you met a General Education requirement that is not showing correctly on your DPR, then you can talk with your college resource center. It is important to note that depending on when you submitted your transcripts, all of your transfer credit may not be appearing on your DPR at the time of your orientation.
You need to be sure that you meet the prerequisites for all courses in which you want to enroll. You can check course prerequisites by using the class schedule. Once you find the courses you are interested in adding, then you click on the department and course number to view the specific course details, including the prerequisites. It looks like this:

When you attend orientation, advisors can assist you with determining the courses you should take in your first semester. If core major courses are full, advisors can suggest alternatives. These can include major electives, upper division General Education courses, lower division General Education, or University requirements.
Please visit the webpage below for a full list of student resources that may be helpful to you as a new student: